Angklung, art that captivated the world - Traveling For Fun


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Sunday, 10 July 2016


Angklung, art that captivated the world

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Angklung, Art that captivated the world

Angklung is a kind of traditional musical instrument made of bamboo pitched double or multitonal. How to play the angklung is shaken, the man stayed holds the frame on one hand (usually the left hand) so angklung hang freely, while the other hand (usually the right hand) shake up reads.

Angklung is a traditional musical instrument of West Java are registered as Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since November 2010. Not only tercatatat by UNESCO, the effort to preserve and introduce Indonesian angklung as a legacy done by playing angklung together and listed as a world record. 

Among them was in 2008 with a record-breaking angklung players as many as 11 thousand people in Jakarta and 5 thousand people in Washington DC.
Then on 24 April 2015, precisely on the occasion of the Asian-African Conference (KAA) held in Jakarta - Bandung, as many as 20 704 people together - the same play the angklung held at Siliwangi Stadium, Bandung. The world record-breaking action with the headline 'Harmony Angklung For The World' performed by the 20 704 people including playing songs like 'Halo-Halo Bandung', 'I Will Survive' and 'We Are The World'. The interesting thing of this record-breaking is, from a total of 20 704 people angklung players, as many as 4,117 people are children with special needs (ABK) from different schools (SLB), which is located in West Java, which consists of student disability blind, deaf , mental retardation, physical disabilities and autism accompanied by 1,000 people counselor. Wow .... so proud we as citizens Bandung Indonesia in particular and the nation in general with the spirit of the people of Bandung in playing Angklung as a traditional musical instrument. Therefore buddy, deservedly is our duty to preserve the young generation of angklung as a cultural richness of Indonesia.

History and origin of Angklung

There are no exact instructions since when angklung there, or since when angklung used by the community of West Java. Note regarding angklung musical instrument, only emerged around the 12th century until 16, refers to the presence of the Sunda kingdom.
The existence of angklung related to agrarian society Sunda work with the lifeblood of the rice plant (bitter melon). It can be seen from customs (adat) Bedouins were believed to be remnants of the Sunda kingdom, where angklung is used as a ritual in planting rice. Angklung is made and created to lure Dewi Sri / Sri Pohaci (The symbol of the goddess of rice) to descend to earth so that people can rice crops thrive.

Besides Baduy in Banten, the game angklung gubrag in Jasinga - Bogor, West Java is one of the surviving since more than 400 years ago. Appearance also originated from rice rite.

In 1862, Jonathan Rigg wrote the book "Dictionary of the Sunda Language" published in Batavia, wrote that Angklung is a musical instrument made of pipes of bamboo, cut edges, resembling the pipes in an organ, and tied together in a frame, vibrated to produce sound.

In the course of time, traditional musical instruments anglung grow and spread throughout the archipelago.

Type - the type of Angklung

  Currently, there are several types of angklung known and recorded in public life, especially welcome in West Java and several other areas in Indonesia. There kala types of angklung does have a slightly different shape or have the same form but is used in this type of art / performance program differently. The types of angklung and artistry that uses traditional musical instrument angklung among others as follows:

1. Angklung Kanekes


Angklung Kanekes is angklung from areas Kanekes (settlement of Baduy). Angklung this type are not solely used for entertainment purposes only, but essentially used as a ritual when planting rice.
In use, the Baduy angklung can be played without rules (Sunda: Dikurulungkeun) or by using a certain rhythmic rules. The usage patterns angklung do with "dikurulungkeun" usually do in the area Baduy in, otherwise its use by rhythmical outer Baduy.

Those who are eligible and may make angklung is the Baduy in, otherwise it is just only certain people who can make it. This is caused by the terms ritual in the manufacture of Baduy angklung.

Angklung Kenekes itself consists of some form from the largest to the small, namely: ovaries, ringkung, Dongdong, gossip, engklok, ovary leutik, torolok, and roel. That can make angklung special kanekespun Kajeroan people, namely people from Kampung Cibeo, Cikartawana, and Cikeusik. Moreover only those special people who can make this angklung.

2. Angklung reog


Reog Angklung is a musical instrument to accompany the dance reog ponorogo in East Java. Reog Angklung is its uniqueness in terms of a very loud sound, has a two-tone and shape of rattan attractive arches with decorative thread fringed beautiful colors.

3. Angklung Banyuwangi


Angklung banyuwangi this form are like calung tone banyuwangi culture. In Banyuwangi called a gluttonous.

4. Angklung Balirindik-angklung-bali-upload

Angklung Bali has a distinctive shape and tone bali. The form was similar to calung. Angklung this type in Bali called the Rindik.

5. Angklung Dogdog Lojor


Dogdog lojor  Angklung is used in indigenous art dogdog lojor.
Art dogdog lojor itself there in the community Kasepuhan Pancer Pangawinan or customs union Banten Kidul spread around Mount Mist.

Art dogdog lojor itself is held once a year, after the harvest the whole community events, or Seren Taun Taun Serah in the traditional village center. Traditional village center as a place of residence kokolot (elders) where he is always moved as directed supernatural.
The tradition of respect for the rice in these communities are still held because they include people who still adhere to the old custom. By tradition they claim to be descendants of the officers and soldiers in the ranks of the palace Pajajaran Pangawinan (warrior spear). Kasepuhan community has embraced Islam and somewhat open to the influence of modernization, as well as things for enjoyment entertainment pleasures. This attitude also affect the function of art in terms that since around 1970, dogdog lojor has been progressing, which is used to enliven the circumcision of a child, marriage, and other festive events.

Instruments used in the art dogdog lojor is dogdog lojor 2 pieces and 4 pieces of large angklung. Fourth fruit angklung has a name, which is the largest so-called bark, then panembal, kingking, and inclok. Each instrument is played by one, so that altogether six people.

Songs dogdog lojor whom Bale Agung, Side Hideung, shaky-shaky Papanganten, Si stumps Kawung, Adulilang, and Adu-complaint. These songs form the rhythmic vocal dogdog and shakers tend to stay.

6. Angklung gubrag


Angklung gubrag Cipining there in the village, Cigudeg subdistrict, Bogor. Angklung is age-old and used to honor the goddess of rice in the activities Melak pare (rice planting), ngunjal pare (transporting rice), and ngadiukeun (put) to leuit (barn).
In myth angklung gubrag begins at a time Cipining village had a bad season.
Initially, Angklung is a musical instrument that does not have the tone of voice. Ancient Angklung not have rhythm and simply reads "gubrak". Because of that, long ago, angklung that has no tone is called angklung gubrak.
Angklung is a blend Gubrak angklung musical instrument made of bamboo reaches a length of about 50 to 100 centimeters. Historically, angklung gubrak supposedly exist in Bogor since 400 years ago has always been a musical accompaniment when held rice harvest. They believe, tunes coming from the angklung, will be able to make the rice they planted back can flourish.

7. Angklung Badeng


Badeng is a type of art that emphasizes the musical aspect with angklung as a major musical instrument. Badeng contained in Sanding Village, District Malangbong, Garut. Angklung first Badeng serves as entertainment for the sake of Islam. But is thought to have been used Badeng of society since long before Islam for events related to rice planting ritual. As an art for propaganda Badeng believed evolved since Islam spread in this area around the 16th century or 17. At that time the population Sanding, Arpaen and Nursaen, studied Islam to the kingdom of Demak. After returning from Demak they preach spread the religion of Islam. One means of spreading Islam uses is the art Badeng.
Angklung used as many as nine pieces, namely two angklung roel, 1 angklung kecer, 4 angklung angklung ovaries and father, two children angklung; 2 pieces dogdog, 2 fruit fly or Gembyung, and 1 kecrek.

8. Angklung Buncis


angklung Buncis
Angklung buncis is angklung played in art Beans. Beans Art itself is a performance art that is entertainment which flourished in the region Baros (Arjasari, Bandung regency). At first the beans used at events associated with rice farming. But at the present time the beans used as an entertainment art. This is correlated to the changing views of society began less heed to the things smelled of old beliefs. The 1940s can be considered as the end of the ritual function in respect of rice beans, because since the beans turn into live entertainment. In line with that places any grain storage (leuit; granary) began to disappear from people's homes, places replaced with sack more practical, and easy to carry everywhere. Rice was now a lot of direct-sold, not stored in the barn. Thus the art of beans that had been used for events ngunjal (carrying rice) unnecessary.
Name bean art related to a text of the famous song among the people, namely cis chickpeas nyengcle ..., etc. The text contained in beans art, so art is called beans.
Instruments used in the art of angklung beans are two ovaries, 2 ambrug angklung, angklung panempas, 2 angklung pancer 1 angklung enclok. Then 3 pieces dogdog, consisting of 1 talingtit, panembal, and badublag. In the development of then coupled with tarompet, manacle, and goong.
Angklung beans barreled salendro with vocal tracks could barreled madenda or degung. Songs beans include: Badud, Beans, Renggong, Senggot, Jalantir, Jangjalik, Ela-ela, Mega Beureum. Now songs beans have been using which songs from the gamelan, the singer formerly male angklung players, now by a special lady to sing.

9. Angklung Badud


Badud  Angklung is used on a child circumcision ceremony in Kampung Parakanhonje, Sukamaju Kaler, Indihiang District, City of Tasikmalaya and several other Priangan daera East.
The main function of this Badud Angklung art, used for parading and entertaining bride circumcision. Long time ago when a local anesthetic pain relief (pangbaal) has not been used, the child will be circumcised early paraded to the pond (pond) and then the child was told to take a dip in the pool for a few minutes, well when carried to the pool and return of an Badud Angklung is played, people had come in droves forming a line in a row, like a parade or carnival, so there was joy and excitement among that, usually appears the creativity of the players and the community to make the humor and excitement of the other. This event was held at the same time inviting and tell people that at the time the child was circumcised could be present giving prayers and money "panyecep" to the bride circumcision.

Badud can mean barman, or Dynamic. This is evident from the nature and character of this art, in which the tones generated by the beat of Angklung, blow Dogdog, rancaknya dancers, and the surging spirit dancer Kuda Lumping were swaying to the music, it is very delicious, as if to invite the viewers and listeners to participate and moving to the rhythm rhythmic ngengklak

10. Bungko Angklung


Bungko Angklung is a local arts using angklung and comes from the village Bungko Kapetakan District of Cirebon. In addition to traditional Javanese angklung art tools used in the West other art Bungko Angklung is a drum, tutukan, klenong and gong. Angklung Bunglo originally was a dance music wars between villagers in the early days of Islam into the village of Bunglo.

Angklung Bungko estimated to be born before the 17th century after the death of Sunan Gunung Jati. Allegedly, this art was born collectively. Created on the basis of emotion excitement after they win the war (fights) against an army of Prince Pekik (Ki Ageng Map). "Brawl" as a result of differences of opinion on the principles of Islam who taught Sunan Gunung Jati. Because the dance movements Bungko angklung is more a depiction of the war when they break the siege Prince scream. All the dancers are men using batik headband, a white shirt, the keris, batik cloth, and Soder. The dances were very smooth and static gives the impression of a quiet but showed expression of tension, being tabuhannya sometimes rumble. Everything gives the impression people are preparing to leave for the battlefield.
There are four dances in angklung Bungko, among others 1. Flag, describing the attitude of remembrance. 2. Benteleye, described the attitude to act in the face of obstacles in their path. 3. Duck ngoyor, describing efforts in an attempt to achieve the goal. 4. Chicken pedestal, describe agility in finding the target voters.

11. Angklung Padaeng

Angklung Angklung Padaeng was introduced by Daeng Soetigna since around 1938. A break in Padaeng angklung is used barrel Diatonic tone corresponding to the system of western music. Thus, angklung can now play songs internationally, and can also be played in ensemble with other international instruments.

13. Angklung Sarinande

Sarinande Angklung Angklung Padaeng is the term for which only put round tone alone (without chromatic tones) with the basic tone angklung sarinade C. The small unit contains 8 angklung (tone Do Do Low to High), while sarinade plus contains 13 angklung (Sol tone Low to Mi High).

14. Angklung Toel


Toel Angklung created by Kang Yayan Udjo around 2008. In this tool, there is a waist-high frame with some angklung dijejer upside down and given rubber. To play, a player can simply Toel angklung and shakers will vibrate while for their rubber.

Toel figure angklung consists of a wooden frame that can accommodate 30 angklung of tone G3 - C6. Angklung mounted side by side in two sap. Sap down (near the player) is a full tones (G, A, B, C, etc.), while the sap is the notes on the chromatic scale (G #, A #, C #, etc.)

Excess Toel Angklung is played alone, but the drawback is the angklung vibe that can not be long and can only play two notes only.

15. Angklung Sri-Murni

Angklung is an idea Mursito Eko Budi specifically created for the purpose robot angklung. As the name implies, the angklung this method uses two or more tube tone sounds the same, so it will produce a pure tone (mono-tonal). This is different from Padaeng angklung multi-tonal. With this simple idea, the robot easily play the angklung simultaneous combination to mimic the effects of angklung angklung melody and accompaniment.

Thus Buddy traditional, historical origins and types of angklung angklung. Hopefully this short article can be useful for my friend and as a record for Indonesia's next generation.

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